Functions of Upazila Nirbahi Officer's Office
The important work of the office of the Upazila Nirbahi Officer is to implement all kinds of decisions of the central government and coordinate the work of different departments. Besides, he has been in charge of general administration, revenue administration, criminal administration and development administration. Other responsibilities are:
01. Supervision of law and order and development activities
0. Implementation of various activities of the government.
03. Supervision and implementation of government's development work
04. Take pre-existing and next necessary action to deal with various natural disasters.
05. Communication system development
06. Implementation of various development projects through Union Parishad.
07. Ashrayan Procedure, Ideal Village, Housing Projects and their implementation.
08. Arrangement of helpless people in various shelters.
09. Providing loans to the housing dwellers and making them self-reliant.
10. Providing loans to the tribals to make them self-reliant.
11. To improve secondary school / primary school / madrasa inspection and quality of their education.
12. Repair / repair and repair of primary schools.
13. Settlement of local land disputes.
14. Various plans for tax collection of Union Parishad
15. Land Development Tax Recovery
16. Mobile Court Managing to Stop Jharka
17. Job exchange food program
18. Distribution of disaster relief material and implementation of VGD, VGF, and over-poor employment program.
19. General complaints investigation and disposal.
20. Roads, bridges, culvert, inlet construction and renovation.
21. Implementation of self-divisional activities by coordinating with different departments of the upazila.
22. Conduct all types of public examinations.
23. Mineral resources maintenance.
24 Delivering lease between the fallen waterfront unemployed.
25. Employment of unemployed youth
26. Providing Adult
27 Widow Allowance
28 Payment of disability allowance.
29 Delivering the allowances of the distressed freedom fighters.
30. The government has announced various national events.
31. Conduct elections in national and local levels fairly and impartially.
32. Installing Cyclone Center
33. The honorarium of the union council chairman and members and the salary allowance of the mahallas.
34. Manage mobile court according to conventional laws.
35. Local Culture Development
36. Game development of dust quality.
37. Maintain social harmony.
38. Agricultural development
39 Assessment of fertilizer dealers and fertilizer delivery.
40. Co-operative society formation and lending
41. Section 144 of the Code of Criminal Procedure is required.
42 Supervising Upazila Development Fund and Revenue Fund.
43. Assisting the decision of the Upazila Parishad and implementing it.
44 Coordination of activities of different departments.
45. Arrange training.
46. Conduct various public examinations.
47 Government priority-oriented projects: Implementation of Adarshagram, Ashrayan, a house a farm project.
48. Managing general certificate litigation.
49. Manage Hat Market
50 Inspection of primary and secondary schools.
51 Provide the certificate of activities of different organizations / organizations.
52 Distribution of allotment / special donation money.
53. Preparation of voter list.
54 Scouting's enthusiasm and enthusiasm
55 Cereal Collection
56. Census
57 Honorary allowances of freedom fighters
58 Let the people know about the new program
59 Motivating people to overcome social problems (dowry, child marriage)
60 People's safety about KPI
61. Khas Land Settlement Process
62. Vested property management
Office Corps, CA, Office Assistant and MLSSs are responsible for the operation and implementation of the above activities.
Under the office, there is no office under the Upazila Nirbahi Officer.
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS